Asiatic Pheasants Pair of Standard Pillowcases, Pink

Asiatic Pheasants Standard Pillowcase Pink
Asiatic Pheasants Standard Pillowcase Pink

Asiatic Pheasants Pair of Standard Pillowcases Pink

Asiatic Pheasants features an elegant print of full-blown roses and lush summer flowers providing the perfect cover for pheasants taking flight. Captured in shades of petal pink, the reverse is a delicate decorative stripe digitally printed on 220 thread count cotton percale. The intricate detail and beauty of this design reflects the time-honoured craftmanship of the skilled artisans at Burleigh. The signature pattern is carried across the coordinating textured cotton cushion (60x40cms) in the same tonal palette.

More Information
NameBurleigh x Bedeck of Belfast Asiatic Pheasants Pair of Standard Pillowcases, Pink
Pillowcase StyleStandard
Pillowcase QuantityPair of Pillowcases
BrandBurleigh x Bedeck of Belfast
Metric Dimensions74cm x 48cm
Thread Count220
Composition100% BCI Cotton Percale
Care InstructionsMachine Washable

Standard Delivery: 3-5 days £4.95

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For reasons of health and hygiene we cannot refund or exchange duvets, pillows, mattress toppers or toiletries unless they are faulty.

Burleigh x Bedeck of Belfast Asiatic Pheasants Pair of Standard Pillowcases, Pink
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